Get Fast Cash in Minutes When You Pawn Diamond Jewelry With Us

pawn diamond jewelry for fast cash on a 90 day loan When you are needing cash, your diamond jewelry can help you get the temporary cash needed if you pawn diamond jewelry at Alma School Pawn & Gold.  Because our pawnbrokers are equipped to assess your jewelry quickly, and make an offer for a 90 day loan, to help you get by.

Assessments of Precious Stones & Precious Metals

At Alma School Pawn & Gold, it is important to us to ensure that we offer our customers more cash than anyone else.  Therefore, that is why we do an assessment on the diamond, than assess the precious metal it is set in, to add them both together in the end.

The assessments are free of charge, and there is no obligation whatsoever to accept our cash offer to pawn diamond jewelry.

Testing Precious Metal

We take the steps necessary to offer you the most cash possible when you pawn diamond jewelry at Alma School Pawn & Gold To analyze the gold, platinum or silver the jewelry is made from, our pawnbroker will locate the hallmark that is in a discreet area.  Next, they will take a few flakes using our touchstone to test with our acid test.  This assures your jewelry is kept safe and out of harms way.  After that, they will verify the purity of the platinum used, starting with the solution to confirm the hallmark.  Followed by placing it on the scale to weigh it.  Finally, they will refer to the current spot price of the precious metal, and calculate its value.

Testing Diamonds

Alma School Pawn & Gold - the value is important when you pawn diamond jewelry To begin the diamond assessment, they will utilize our Adamas Diamond and Moissanite Tester, by Presidium.  This will verify if it is a genuine diamond.  Next, they will analyze and assess the diamond according to the 4 C’s of Diamonds.  This looks at how the facets are cut, to reflect and shimmer light refractions from the precious stone.  It also considers the color or hue of the diamond.  Next they will look at the clarity, and grade it on the lack of blemishes or inclusions.  Lastly, they will measure the carat size, and check the current market value to come to a monetary value.

Then, both assessments are added together, and an offer is presented to you to pawn diamond jewelry.

Terms of a Pawn Loan

pawn diamond jewelry for the most cash possible at Alma School Pawn & Gold When you accept our offer to pawn diamond jewelry at Alma School Pawn & Gold, we will need to see your current driver’s license and your signature on the contract.  After that, we count out the offer in cash, directly to you.  For the duration of the loan, your jewelry will be kept in our locked vault until you return, and pay off the loan in full.

You can pay off the pawn loan all at once, or make payments when possible throughout the 90 days.  All that we are concerned about is the loan being paid off by the 90th day and returning your jewelry to you.  Therefore, there is never any fees or penalties added for early payment.  In fact, we reward our customers that pay off the loan in full prior to the 60th day, by deducting a redemption discount.

However, we can work with you if you need more time to pay off the loan.  So, if that is the case, please come in and talk to us, so we can discuss the options you may have.  Because, honestly, we are never seeking to keep your jewelry that is pawned.  So, don’t hesitate to come in and talk to us!

Alma School Pawn & Gold is the best place in Mesa to go to get the most cash possible when you pawn diamond jewelry and more!